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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Calvinism: The Errors of John Calvin and Modern Calvinists

It underlies many of the legacy hymns we sing, and it crops up in our social media feeds: Calvinism. John Calvin and his Institutes of the Christian Religion may be the greatest influences on Protestant thought, second only to Martin Luther himself. This constant barrage of Calvinist thought has a tendancy to seep into the church and color our understanding of the truth.

The following series of lessons examines the doctrines of John Calvin and the arguments modern proponents, such as John Piper, make to defend them. Then we look at what the Bible has to say:

  1. On the Other Hand
  2. Why Calvinism?
  3. Our Sovereign Lord, Part 1
  4. Our Sovereign Lord, Part 2
  5. Depraved, but Not Totally
  6. Depraved, but Not Totally, Part 2
  7. Election, but Not Unconditional
  8. Election, but Not Unconditional, Part 2
  9. Limited Atonement
  10. Calvin and Christ's Righteousness
  11. Resistible Grace
  12. The Security of the Saints

Accurately Handling the Word of Truth

Monday, May 18, 2015

Accurately Handling the Word of Truth

The God who created humanity knows how to communicate with His creation, and He has done so in the form of the Bible. While the Bible has some difficult passages, by and large, it is not a difficult book for us to understand. How should we understand and apply the Bible? These lessons aim to answer that question:

  1. Accurately Handling the Word of Truth
  2. Accurately Handling the Word of Truth, Part 2
  3. Types and Shadows
  4. Rightly Dividing

Restudying the Issues of the '50s and '60s

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A road sign indicating that a fork in the road is ahead. The path to the right is bright, but there is darkness to the left.

The 1950s and 1960s were tumultuous times for the Lord’s church in the United States. Churches divided over three main issues: church support of orphan’s homes, the sponsoring church arrangement, and the addition of kitchens and fellowship halls to church buildings. Bill Hall recalls these times and the arguments on both sides of these issues in an attempt to help us understand the root of the disagreement and the conclusion to which God’s word leads us in each matter.

  1. Church-Supported Orphan’s Homes
  2. The Sponsoring Church Arrangement
  3. Kitchens and Fellowship Halls

While Bill Hall originally preached this series of lessons here at Pepper Road a number of years ago, the audio quality of our recordings was poor. The saints at West End in Bowling Green, KY were nice enough to let us post copies of the same lessons that Mr. Hall preached there on October 25, 2009. Our thanks to them.

What Are You Wearing?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A wide-eyed, young woman with a look of surprise as if she has just seen something shocking or inappropriate

Many of our neighbors have a poor gauge of what kind of dress is appropriate. In fact, the things that some of them leave the house wearing is downright shameful! Unfortunately, because we see these things day in and day out, our judgment can begin to drift, as the attire of some of our own brothers and sisters all too clearly reveals.

The Bible teaches us principles that help us both to don modest clothing that is not a temptation to our neighbors and to possess an attitude that glorifies God. So then, before you head out in a tank top or a short skirt, and before you hit the beach in your swimming trunks or your itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini, take a listen to these lessons on modesty and appropriate attire.

Parents and Children

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Parents walk on the beach with their child. The father stands to the left of the child holding the child's left hand while the mother stands to the child's right holding the child's right hand, and the two of them are swinging the child by the arms.

Children are a “heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3), and those of us who are parents must therefore “bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). These four lessons aim to help us do just that.

  1. Parents and Children, Part 1
  2. Parents and Children, Part 2
  3. Parents and Children, Part 3
  4. Parents and Children, Part 4

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